Our Mission and Vision

In early 2022, the MCPAWS staff and leadership team went through the process of updating our mission and vision statement to reflect our growing capacity, including all of the branches that make up MCPAWS. Our new mission and vision encompasses how the shelter, thrift store, and veterinary hospital all work together, in unique ways, to achieve the common purpose of supporting our community and transforming lives by connecting pets and people. 


Transforming lives by strengthening the human-animal connection


A humane community where all animals are well cared for and loved

We are excited to share this news with our supporters and feel that the current MCPAWS operating model fulfills our new mission and vision in a creative and sustainable manner – reflecting best practices and trends in the animal welfare industry. Anyone who has a pet in their life, knows how these animals can change our lives for the better. By shifting our focus to enhancing and supporting the connection between people and pets, we are able to offer mutually beneficial, holistic services that will better serve our community and broaden the positive impact of our organization.


Our Values

Shelter leadership, staff, volunteers, and stakeholders have come together to identify the following values that guide our work and strategic commitment to animal welfare in our community and beyond:

  • Respect for the animals and people we serve and also for the people who make it possible for us to accomplish our mission (donors, volunteers, staff, and clients).
  • Service to pets and pet owners in need as well as our community.
  • Excellence: We will strive for excellence and professionalism in the services we provide and the programs we administer.  
  • Creativity: We will remain open to new ideas, stay engaged with new trends in the animal welfare field, and encourage our staff and volunteers to approach problems with fresh perspectives.
  • Compassion: We remain committed to holding the pets and people we serve in a compassionate and understanding light.
  • Inclusivity: We acknowledge the inherent joy and mutual benefits provided from the human-animal bond. MCPAWS will remain committed to offering services and administering programs that celebrate this bond and work to ensure that pets are placed or able to remain in loving homes, regardless of factors like income, geographic location, and social status.
  • Gratitude for our donors, volunteers, staff, and community – and to the animals we serve.
  • Leadership We will continue to lead in the field of animal welfare here in the West Central Mountain Region of Idaho as well as across our entire state. We remain committed to establishing working partnerships and providing resources when we can to other nonprofit organizations locally and regionally. We will remain an active participant in the Idaho Shelter Coalition and commit time and resources as we can to ensure its successful role in Idaho animal welfare.


”Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

–Margaret Mead

Our History

McPAWs, McCall People for Animal Welfare, a volunteer, grass-roots organization, was formed in 1998 to assist the City of McCall with operation of the city impound facility for dogs. Dogs impounded by the city needed care the police didn’t have time to provide. In response, a small group of dedicated volunteers came together and made that care their priority— feeding, exercising, and providing clean quarters for the dogs; returning dogs to owners; finding new homes for those who had been abandoned.

By 2000, it was apparent that the need in the regional community was far greater than facility could meet. We couldn’t take in dogs from outside city limits and couldn’t take in cats at all. In addition, the small structure which housed the dog pound was scheduled for demolition. It was clear a larger shelter facility was needed.

The Leeta Anderson Animal Foundation (LAAF) stepped up to purchase and remodel the former McCall Veterinary Clinic as a new regional animal shelter. A Board of Directors was established and the acronym McPAWS was dropped to reflect the regional nature of the shelter operation. In 2001 we officially became MCPAWS Regional Animal Shelter.

On February 7, 2002 we opened our doors, transferring the two remaining dogs from the old facility. “Build it and they will come” might be our motto. Soon, kennels and cages were filling with dogs and cats from all over the county. In February, 2003 the LAAF generously donated the building and property to MCPAWS.

Since 1998, MCPAWS had great expectations of realizing what had been just a hopeful dream – a shelter facility where the love of animals and a sincere commitment to their humane treatment are mandatory. So many years later, to look back at our humble beginnings, we at MCPAWS are so incredibly grateful to that small group of dedicated volunteers who came together, to ensure that companion animals in our community are cared for with compassion and humanity.

Support the Shelter and Donate Today!


Microchip four cats


Purchase enrichment items for all shelter cats



Vaccinate seven dogs



 Provide formula for three orphan kittens



Neuter three dogs


MCPAWS Regional Animal Shelter
831 S. 3rd St #1375
McCall, ID 83638

Shelter Hours:

Monday - Saturday:

11:30am to 5:00pm

Closed Sundays

No appointments needed to visit and adopt cats & dogs.

Please call (208) 634-3647 with questions

MCPAWS Thrift Store

301 Lenora Street
McCall, ID 83638

Thrift Store Hours:

Monday - Saturday:

11:00am to 5:00pm

Closed Sundays

Donation Drop Off: Monday - Saturday 9:30am - 3:00pm

MCPAWS Veterinary Hospital
8 Coho Lane
McCall, ID 83638

Hospital Hours:


9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday - Friday:

8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed Saturday & Sunday

Please call (208) 325-4510 to schedule an appointment!


Transforming lives by strengthening the

human-animal connection.


A humane community where all animals are well

cared for and loved.

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